COM Add-Ins have become more important when Microsoft introduced the Office Fluent User Interface. But you can use COM Add-Ins to extend functionality starting with Microsoft Office 2000 and with access to the object model of its host application. They are also used to provide add-in functionality to Visual Studio.
A COM Add-In is an in-process COM-Server that must implement the IDTExtensibility2
interface. The IRibbonExtensibility
interface must be implemented to gain access to the Ribbon UI. That’s why we will use Delphi to create COM Add-Ins. A first simple project will describe the things to do in addition to the implementation of interfaces.
A COM Add-In needs some additional registry entries. We override the UpdateRegistry
method of the TAutoObjectFactory
to create the required entries.
type TXLComAddinFactory = class(TAutoObjectFactory) procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); override; end;
There are different locations in the registry depending on the target application.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\<ProgId> or in general HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<Office App>\Addins\<ProgId> except HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Visio\Addins\<ProgId> and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\<Ver>\Addins\<ProgId> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VBA\VBE\6.0\Addins\<ProgId>
A Subkey with the name of the Add-In’s ProgID must be created. The Values under the Subkey describe the COM add-in. We use TRegistry
because the values have type REG_SZ
is a Value that is not optional. In most cases the default value 3 will be fine. You can find a description of possible values here.
The CommandLineSafe
Value is optional. It is marked as not applicable for Office Add-Ins. If set to value 1 it indicates that the add-in avoids any UI manipulation when it is called with ConnectMode = ext_cm_CommandLine
The Add-In Manager shows a list of available Add-Ins. An optional FriendlyName
Value will appear in the list instead of the Add-In’s ProgID and we can add an optional Description
We delete the Subkey and its Values when the Add-In is unregistered.
{...} procedure TXLComAddinFactory.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); var RootKey: HKEY; AddInKey: String; r: TRegistry; begin Rootkey:=HKEY_CURRENT_USER; AddInKey:='Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\' + ProgID; r:=TRegistry.Create; r.RootKey:=RootKey; try if Register then if r.OpenKey(AddInKey, True) then begin r.WriteInteger('LoadBehavior', 3); r.WriteInteger('CommandLineSafe', 0); r.WriteString('FriendlyName', 'Delphi Sample Add-In'); r.WriteString('Description', 'Sample Add-In written in Delphi'); r.CloseKey; end else raise EOleError.Create('Can''t register Add-In ' + ProgID) else if r.KeyExists(AddInKey) then r.DeleteKey(AddInKey); finally r.Free; end; inherited; end;
The UpdateRegistry
method of the ancestor may raise an EOleRegistrationError
exception when DLLRegisterServer
is called to register the COM server under HKCR
without administrative rights. But DLLRegisterServer
is called not only by regsvr32
. The Add-In Manager contains two buttons to Add and Remove Add-Ins. The Subkey we had created is deleted by clicking Remove. You can add COM Add-Ins by clicking Add. The Add-In Manager calls DLLRegisterServer
if you select a file that is an already registered COM Server. This is done to force the Add-In to re-create the Subkey and the Values mentioned above. Thus, the Subkey should be created regardless that the following registration may fail. This is the reason why inherited
is called at the end.
Now, we can start writing a first simple Add-In by implementing the IDTExtensibility2
interface. You can find the definition in the Microsoft Add-In Designer (MSADDNDR.DLL
). The interface can be extracted from the TLB as follows.
type // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IDTExtensibility2 // Flags: (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {B65AD801-ABAF-11D0-BB8B-00A0C90F2744} // *********************************************************************// IDTExtensibility2 = interface(IDispatch) ['{B65AD801-ABAF-11D0-BB8B-00A0C90F2744}'] procedure OnConnection(const Application: IDispatch; ConnectMode: ext_ConnectMode; const AddInInst: IDispatch; var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; procedure OnDisconnection(RemoveMode: ext_DisconnectMode; var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; procedure OnAddInsUpdate(var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; procedure OnStartupComplete(var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; procedure OnBeginShutdown(var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; end; // *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IDTExtensibility2Disp // Flags: (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {B65AD801-ABAF-11D0-BB8B-00A0C90F2744} // *********************************************************************// IDTExtensibility2Disp = dispinterface ['{B65AD801-ABAF-11D0-BB8B-00A0C90F2744}'] procedure OnConnection(const Application: IDispatch; ConnectMode: ext_ConnectMode; const AddInInst: IDispatch; var custom: {PSafeArray} OleVariant); dispid 1; procedure OnDisconnection(RemoveMode: ext_DisconnectMode; var custom: {PSafeArray} OleVariant); dispid 2; procedure OnAddInsUpdate(var custom: {PSafeArray} OleVariant); dispid 3; procedure OnStartupComplete(var custom: {PSafeArray} OleVariant); dispid 4; procedure OnBeginShutdown(var custom: {PSafeArray} OleVariant); dispid 5; end;
We add a new Automation Object to our project and add IDTExtensibility2
to the list of implemented interfaces.
type TDelphiAddin1 = class(TAutoObject, IDelphiAddin1, IDTExtensibility2) private procedure OnConnection(const Application: IDispatch; ConnectMode: ext_ConnectMode; const AddInInst: IDispatch; var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; procedure OnDisconnection(RemoveMode: ext_DisconnectMode; var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; procedure OnAddInsUpdate(var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; procedure OnStartupComplete(var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; procedure OnBeginShutdown(var custom: PSafeArray); safecall; protected end;
You can find a description of the five methods and a VBA example here. We want to keep the first project simple. So, we only write code to the OnConnection
method and leave the others empty.
{ TDelphiAddin1 } procedure TDelphiAddin1.OnConnection(const Application: IDispatch; ConnectMode: ext_ConnectMode; const AddInInst: IDispatch; var custom: PSafeArray); var s: WideString; x: OleVariant; begin if ConnectMode <> ext_cm_CommandLine then try x:= Application; s:= 'Hello World!'; s:= s + ' You''re running ' + x.Name + ' version ' + x.Version; MessageBoxW(0, PWideChar(s), '', MB_OK); except end; end; {...}
We check the ConnectMode
parameter and display a message box which shows the name and version of the Add-In’s host Application
. The last step is to exchange the factory.
initialization TXLComAddinFactory.Create(ComServer, TDelphiAddin1, Class_DelphiAddin1, ciMultiInstance, tmApartment); end.